Recipe for the Apple Kiachln:
3-4 good, spicy apples
Sugar, rum, lemon juice
For the batter:
125 g of sieved flour
1/8 l white wine
2 tbsp of melted butter
1 pinch of salt
1 squirt of liquor
2 eggs
fat for frying/baking
cinnamon, sugar
For the batter mix together flour and white wine, add butter, salt, liquor and egg yolks. Cover the batter, and let it rise in a warm place for 1 – 2 minutes .
Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices. sprinkle with sugar, coat well with rum, lemon juice and cover with a plate and set aside for half an hour.
Remove access moisture from apple slices. Beat egg whites until stiff and carefully fold into the mixture. Cover apple slices with batter and deep-fry in hot oil, let drain and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
For the cranberry sorbet just fill in the cranberry compote of Unterweger Früchteküche in an ice cream machine and freeze for about 1 hour while stirring continuoulsy.